Kennedy Mota

Sharing ideas that might help you

01 Jan 2024

My First Words

My first words

The first blog post will be a summary of who I am and what I want to show here.

Who am I

First of all, my name is Kennedy Mota, I’m Brazilian and I’m 28 years old. I have a degree (bachelor) in Computer Science from São Judas Tadeu University.

I have been working with systems for over 5 years, but not all of this time was working with Cloud AWS as a provider.

My Experiences

Before starting to work with systems development and architecture, I worked as a customer service operator at the famous “Call Center” for a company called Porto Seguro, at that time I was already attending college and it was the moment when my curiosity for systems increased.

During my working hours I used the company’s system to serve customers and when system failures occurred, out of curiosity I ran analyzes with the data I had at hand, in order to try to contribute something to the technical team.

As time went by, I got closer and closer to the technical team and by coincidence, or we could say that I “built” that moment, through Networking, my first opportunity to work within the systems area arose. It wasn’t in the same company, unfortunately, but this decision was the best thing I did to get my professional career off the ground.

Through this opportunity I built my story in the company I still work in today, BRQ.

Working with AWS

Today I work in a position as a Cloud Architect focused on AWS for the company BRQ. But here I also started without AWS, just with application development and support, ranging from creating applications from scratch in .NET or Java to more complex migrations.

As time went by, I evolved and sought new technologies, until I reached the point where I am today. Another important decision for my career was to change my professional/personal objective, where I aimed to be an expert in the Java language, obtain certifications related to technology and everything else. But at a certain point I realized the rise of Cloud services and that the market was lacking these professionals, so I made the decision to specialize in AWS and be a generalist regarding programming languages.

After approximately 4 years of experience with AWS, today I have 7 of the 12 certifications (13 if you count Specialty Analystics, which is still valid) and I intend to go beyond my comfort zone to obtain all the certifications.

What do I want to show here

I want to share solutions involving problems that I had or that I found somewhere and that are solved using AWS services.

In a simple and relaxed way that can help someone at some point.

To the next!